Hot Dip Scaffolding G.I Tube to Qatar

Project location:Qatar

Product:Hot Dip Scaffolding G.I Tube

Specifications: OD48.3*3*6000MM / OD48.3*4*6000MM

Application : Trade Inventory

Arrival time:2024.5

In January 2024, Xinyue received an inquiry from a new customer in Qatar at the beginning of the month after Xinyue increased the promotion and development of scaffolding products in the Middle East. For the first time cooperation, Xinyue has been actively providing different solutions for the customer from the initial quotation to the invitation of video conference, and listing the successful cases of Xinyue’s supply projects to the customer, and finally gained the customer’s recognition with its strong strength, and took the order within a week!

This order is the first order of Leona’s foreign trade career, and it is also the first time for her to combine theory and practice after a long period of accumulation in Xinyue, which is a valuable experience. The success of each order can not be separated from the close cooperation and support of all departments of Xinyue, and we believe that each “young general” can become the backbone of Xinyue in the near future, and work together to add bricks and mortar to the beautiful vision of “BUILD THE WORLD, SERVE THE GLOBE”!

Written by Leona