LSAW steel pipe deliver to UAE for Construct shoring structure

Project location:UAE

Product: LSAW

Specifications:LSAW 914-1422MM

Standard & Grade: EN10219 S355JR~S420JR

Usage: Construct shoring structure

Arrival time:2024.8

In mid-2024, thanks to the inventory advantages of Xinyue Warehousing, after the successful delivery of the emergency project order of the old customer in the Middle East, the customer sent a second inquiry of the same type of project, the product is a high-steel grade straight seam submerged arc welded pipe, the diameter is from 914mm to 1422mm, and the total amount reaches 500 tons. In order to help customers quickly win this project, we provided customers with a cost-effective and efficient delivery cooperation plan. It is with this scheme that the customer successfully bid and became the sole supplier of the foundation pit supporting structure project, opening another cooperation with Xinyue.

In order to meet customer demand, Xinyue urgently mobilized the existing inventory on the market, while organizing production, and finally completed production and shipping within three weeks. At present, the products have been put into use, and the product quality of “Xinyue Strict selection” has also been praised by customers as always. Urgent customer urgent, for customer needs, to create the brand of Xinyue, for China’s steel manufacturing, for the construction of the world!

Written by April