Breaking through to the market! Successful delivery of 12 m long galvanized square tubes

Написано Анной:Индонезия

Товар:ERW galvanized tube

Написано Анной:SGCC

Написано Анной:

40*60*0.9 40*60*1.1

40*80*0.9 40*80*1.1


Заявление :структура

Написано Анной:2024.6

The customer introduced this time met Xinyue at the 2023 Indonesia Exhibition. After a year of friendly cooperation, a solid foundation of trust has been established. The customer is a well-known local trade importer. В это время, the galvanized steel pipes were ordered for structural purposes. The specification required a length of 12 метры, which is a rare length on the market. Xinyue immediately contacted the workshop to adjust the production line and provided the customer with a complete production plan. The customer immediately finalized the order after receiving the plan. After the production, Xinyue team actively cooperated with the 3rd party company and passed the inspection successfully. В настоящий момент, all the products have been shipped. The friendship between Xinyue and customers are going further and further.

Written by Elena