کزن پروجيڪٽ لاء قزاقستان لاء سيزيل اسٽيل پائپ

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: قازقستان

پيداوار:Seamless نديم پائپ



درخواست:mining project

The client for this collaboration is the Kazakhstan branch of an internationally renowned mining company. Xinyue has been deeply rooted in the Central Asian market for many years and has earned a strong reputation and trust from local customers in Kazakhstan. This mining company, under the recommendation of a well-known local trader, proactively reached out to us with a request to purchase 90 tons of boiler tubes.

In addressing the client’s specific needs, Xinyue was fully aware of the challenges presented by this order. پهريون, the special steel grade of the boiler tubes made it difficult to find available stock in the market. ٻيو, the small 32mm diameter and the scarcity of products longer than 10 meters further complicated the situation. بهرحال, Xinyue adheres to the principle of providing customers with one-stop steel product services and, with strong resource integration capabilities, successfully found a suitable solution for the client within two days, leading to a successful partnership.

في الحال, اسٽيل پائپ کي ڪاميابي سان ڪلائنٽ تائين پهچايو ويو آهي, شيڊول تي اڳتي وڌڻ لاء انهن جو منصوبو فعال ڪرڻ. جيئن تعاون جي گمنام آهي, ٻنهي پارٽين جي وچ ۾ وڌيڪ تعاون لاء امڪاني موقعا وڌندا آهن.

ماريا طرفان لکيل آهي