اسٽيل شيٽ پائلس ڪاميابي سان آفريڪا ڏانهن موڪليو ويو

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:مصر

پيداوار:اسٽيل شيٽ پائلز

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:AZ36-700

۽ ڪاميابي سان مئي جي شروعات ۾ اسٽيل پائپ آرڊر سان تعاون ڪيو, زينيو ڪاميابي ڪاميابي سان Z-TO STEL شيٽ جي پائلز جي پهرين بيچ جي پيداوار مڪمل ڪئي. هن حڪم, مجموعي 810 Z36-700 اسٽيل شيٽ جي پلاز جا ٽائلس ڊگها 18 ميٽر, ڪاميابي سان مصر تائين موڪليو ويو آهي. بلڪل ناج, اهو منصوبو اسان کي ست سالن جي هڪ ڊگهي مدي واري پارٽنر سان متعارف ڪرايو ويو, connecting us with a local Egyptian enterprise.

Project Background:

The project is divided into two phases, encompassing the procurement of steel sheet piles and tie rods. The recently delivered 810 tons of steel sheet piles constitute the first phase. The client required specific models and lengths, particularly the 18-meter length, which posed significant challenges in both production and transportation.

Keys to Success:

Prompt Response to Client Needs: Upon receiving the client’s inquiry, the Xinyue team swiftly assembled technical and commercial personnel to thoroughly analyze the client’s specific requirements, providing a tailored solution with the AZ36-700 steel sheet piles.

Efficient Production Scheduling: To meet the client’s stringent delivery timeline, Xinyue proactively coordinated production resources, successfully completing the manufacturing process within seven days, ensuring timely delivery.

Exceptional Product Quality: Xinyue consistently prioritizes quality. All raw materials are sourced from top-tier factories in China. Our in-house quality inspection team conducts rigorous assessments to ensure each steel sheet pile meets international standards and client specifications.

The Egyptian client expressed high appreciation for Xinyue’s professionalism and efficient service, indicating eagerness to collaborate on the project’s second phase.

The successful delivery of this order underscores Tianjin Xinyue Industrial and Trade Co., Ltd.’s competitiveness in the international market and the trust we have earned from our clients. We remain committed to ourcustomer-firstprinciple, striving to understand client needs deeply, providing high-quality products and services, ۽ هڪٻئي جي ڪاميابي لاء وڌيڪ عالمي ادارن سان شريڪ ڪرڻ جي منتظر.

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