Structural steel from Xinyue Delivered to Southeast Asia for Mining Project

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: انڊونيشيا

پيداوار:ايڇ بيم, C channel, ڪنڊ, فليٽ بار, steel plate as per Australian standard

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:اي ايس 3678 سي 250, اي ايس 3679.1 سي 300,

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:Plate thk 16-50mm, structure steel from width 50-406mm

درخواست:کان کني پروجيڪٽ

xinyue تي, we deeply understand that the trust of every long-standing customer is hard to come by. Since establishing a cooperative relationship with this client in 2023, we have maintained close collaboration and communication. ۾ 2024, following the successful supply for the client’s gold mining project, we received another urgent order from the client at the end of the year—to complete the procurement and cutting of 300 tons of profiles within 15 ڏينهن.

Faced with this challenge, the sales team at Xinyue quickly pooled resources within a day, providing the customer with an efficient delivery plan, which was rapidly confirmed and contracted by the customer. Throughout this process, we not only demonstrated Xinyue’s professional capabilities but also reflected our profound understanding of customer needs and rapid response.

As the Spring Festival holiday approached and logistics and supply chains faced tremendous pressure, our procurement and documentation departments worked closely with suppliers to ensure that the procurement and cutting tasks were completed on schedule. The customer’s QC team also conducted final inspections, witnessed sample testing, and confirmed the shipment of all goods on-site, ensuring the smooth delivery of the order.

The successful delivery of this order is a reflection of the teamwork and professionalism of Xinyue Industry and Trade, and it is our commitment to keeping promises to our customers. We will continue to focus on the customer, providing even better services, and creating more value together.

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