Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:آفريڪا جي پيداوار:SMLS PIPE+fittings+flanges Specifications:2-26 انچ, ايس ٽي ڊي- SCH80 thickness Standard and material: API 5L GRB PSL1/2, ASME B16.9 A234 WPB, ASME B16.5 A105 Usage:Pipeline maintenance Since 2019, Nigeria has become one of Xinyue’s key markets. We have supplied a wide range of products, including seamless steel pipes, والوز, paint storage tanks, flanges, and steel plates, for local infrastructure construction…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:نائيجيريا جي پيداوار:Seamless Steel Pipe Usage:oil pipeline Xinyue is proud to announce that it has become a reliable partner for Nigerian contractors to provide high quality products and services for their oil pipe pipeline projects. Xinyue are well aware of the importance of the oil pipe pipeline project to the Nigerian oil industry, so Xinyue do our utmost to…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: Flange جي وضاحت: DN25-125 PN16 Standard & گريڊ: ASTM A105 استعمال: pipeline transmission project This order is an emergency supplementary order from a regular client in Australia. After the customer completed the steel pipe procurement cooperation with Xinyue for the oil pipeline construction project and based on the happy cooperation with Xinyue in the early stage,…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:نائيجيريا جي پيداوار: welding rod, 3LPE sleeve Usage:oil pipeline accessory Xinyue Steel supplied steel pipes to African oil companies with comprehensive support services. We offer high-quality steel pipe welding rods and 3LPE Sleeves for reliable pipeline solutions. Our products undergo rigorous testing for durability and weldability, ensuring operational reliability. The 3LPE Sleeves Xinyue provided offer excellent corrosion resistance, extending…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:هيلڪس ۽ پيني واشر نيوزيلينڊ ڏانهن:T Welded Pipe Standard and material:ASTM A252 Q355B Specifications:OD1650*25*9000MM Application : Piling Pipe At the end of December 2023, the customer sent 5 pcs OD1650X25MM large pipe inquiries, By communicated with the customer ,The project was still in the early stage of design. According to the customer’s use requirements, the business provided the customer with double-slit…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:ٿائيلينڊ جي پيداوار:Casing پائپ معياري ۽ مواد:API 5CT PLS1 K55 وضاحتون:508* #133* R3 Application:Oil Pipeline Construction Arrival time:2024.8 هي گراهڪ هڪ مشهور سپلائر آهي جيڪو ٿائيلينڊ ۾ منصوبن ۽ انونٽري ۾ ماهر آهي. Through the introduction of old customers who have cooperated with Xinyue for many years, the customer started the first step of cooperation with Xinyue. At the beginning, جي…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:قزاقستان جي پيداوار:Tubing Standard and material:API 5CT L80 Specifications:73.02*7.01 استعمال:Oil Drilling Arrival time:2024.9 مئي ۾ 2024, Xinyue ٽيم هڪ مهيني جي گراهڪن جي دوري ۽ مارڪيٽ جي توسيع لاءِ قزاقستان ڏانهن ويو, جنهن دوران اسان ڪيترن ئي گراهڪن جو دورو ڪيو جن اسان جي سمجھ کي وڌيڪ مضبوط ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ ٻئي سان رابطو ڪيو هو. The cooperative customers of this order are introduced by old customers we…
وڌيڪ پڙهوپيداوار: SEAMLESS اسٽيل پائپ معياري ۽ مواد:API 5L PSL1 GR.B وضاحتون:114.3×8.56×6MM Project location:Nigeria Application:Oil Pipeline Project Shipping time:2024.5 نائجيريا, موقعن سان ڀريل زمين, هڪ ڀيرو ٻيهر Xinyue اسٽيل جي شان ۽ طاقت جي شاهدي ڏني آهي. ۽ ڪاميابي سان مئي جي شروعات ۾ اسٽيل پائپ آرڊر سان تعاون ڪيو, Xinyue پاران ڪيل نائجريائي تيل جي پائيپ لائين منصوبي جون شيون ڪاميابيءَ سان موڪليون ويون. مصنوعات جي هن بيچ جي مخالف corrosion معيار, seamless…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXINYUE اسٽيل گروپ Tianjin ۾ ڪيترن ئي پيداوار bases قائم & هيبي صوبو, پيداوار ERW اسٽيل پائپ, SSAW اسٽيل پائپ, LSAW اسٽيل پائپ, Seamless نديم پائپ, affاھڻ جو نظام ۽ ڪپلر, آر ايS ايس, SHS, وغيره.