Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:فلپائن جي پيداوار:اسڪيلنگ سسٽم معياري ۽ مواد:Q235B/Q355B Specifications:48.3*3.25mm استعمال:Infrastructures Building Arrival time:2024.6 ۾ 2023, Xinyue made remarkable achievements in the Philippines World Architecture and Construction Expo, and went deep into the Southeast Asian market after the meeting, and established a good reputation in the local market, this order is from the exhibition’s visiting customers, and Xinyue has three…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXINYUE اسٽيل گروپ Tianjin ۾ ڪيترن ئي پيداوار bases قائم & هيبي صوبو, پيداوار ERW اسٽيل پائپ, SSAW اسٽيل پائپ, LSAW اسٽيل پائپ, Seamless نديم پائپ, affاھڻ جو نظام ۽ ڪپلر, آر ايS ايس, SHS, وغيره.