Welding quality control method for electric resistance welded

ERW pipe adopts electric resistance welded technology, and the welding quality control in the process is very important. The general method is as follows:

1. Product damage inspection procedures

Destruction inspection shall involve inserting a tool or device between the welded part and the part adjacent to the weld until the components are completely separated. The diameter of the solder joint is determined from two measurements taken at right angles (whichever is the smallest). If inspecting welds between more than two workpieces, it must be inspected between each pair of adjacent workpieces?

a. During the process debugging period, destructive inspection of the welds should be carried out at each sub-assembly station to ensure that the quality of the welds meets the process requirements and to discover potential suspicious areas.

b. The destructive inspection should be continued on the suspicious area until all the weld quality can meet the process requirements.

c. In the trial production stage, the assembly welds in each assembly area should be thoroughly destructively inspected to ensure the weld quality under normal production conditions. In the pre-production stage, further destructive inspection should be carried out on the suspicious area again to make sure that the quality of the weld fully meets the process requirements.

d. In the normal mass production process, all welds processed on site should be destructively inspected in the inspection cycle. If required, sub-assemblies should be inspected with the body to ensure that all welds are inspected in accordance with the aforementioned cycle.

e. The inspection results must be continuously analyzed, and more inspections of potential suspicious welds must be continued to ensure that the suspicious welds are fully controlled until the corrective measures taken have been truly implemented and implemented in the production process.

f. The destructive inspection procedure is an audit of the entire body-in-white welding strength assurance system; if unqualified welds are found, the following measures must be taken immediately: ensure that all suspicious workpieces are identified and isolated until appropriate corrective measures are taken.

2. Daily inspection method

The operator shall use the following inspection methods according to the process requirements to ensure that the number and position of the welds are correct, and ensure that all welds welded are continuously inspected, and the quality department shall be notified when any welds with questionable quality are found.